
Sunday, July 7, 2013

What’s Luck Got To Do With It?

What do you think will happen tomorrow?

What happened yesterday that you expected to happen?

What happened yesterday that you DID NOT expect to happen?

What did you plan to do last year, that you still haven’t done yet?

Lots of answers and memories are probably resurfacing in your conscious mind.

Take a minute to reflect…………………

And so how do you feel now?

Do things ‘happen’ or do we MAKE them happen?

Are we controlled by our destiny? Or do we control our future?

Is there such a thing as a LUCKY person or even an UNLUCKY person?

Who knows?

What is Luck?

Is what I call Luck what you call luck?

For instance if a person finds a wallet filled with a £100 and chooses not to hand it in – one might say ‘oh he/she’s lucky they found a £100

Consider that same evening and you are on the phone to your brother and he tells you he lost his wallet containing £100, you might say ‘he has been unlucky!

So does Luck exist or is it just an event that may or may not enhance the moment, or become a stepping stone to something else?

If you buy a scratchcard and you win £50 you might think how lucky you are. However if you tallied up the number of scratch cards you had bought in the past 6 months that did not yield a return – you might find that you have finally broke even. So is that luck?

On the other hand you may have been £60 short for a specific item and this £50 windfall has brought you very very close to achieving your goal; in this instance the previous expenditure on scratchcards become an investment all leading up to this day!

I think how the event makes you feel is a good determinant of whether or not you perceive that event as lucky or not. I think the situation, the day, the time, the month, location and a whole other range of dependencies are necessary for a single event to be named as LUCKY.

I don’t know about you, but my feeling is, that for something that needs so much else to be right for IT to be right is not necessarily something I want to rely on.

I don’t rely on Luck or Lady Luck as some people call her. I rely on ME!

I am a constant, and therefore I CAN, by the choice of my attitude make a situation or event as Good or as Amazing or Run of the mill as I choose.

So if I find a wallet with a £100 in, and I choose to hand it in to the local police station. I congratulate myself, with the notion that the person who lost that wallet may get it back, they in turn will be grateful to the honest stranger and increase their belief in human kind. I now feel good (without ever having met that person or even being sure that they got their wallet back) because I know they are thanking me and wishing me well for my good nature.

I assure you that that feeling, lasts longer and is much more wholesome for my inner peace, than the guilt I would have felt while spending someone else’s money.

So where does luck come into it? I hear you say

Well I don’t know! Do You?

If Luck didn’t exist as a term, how would you explain specific events in your life?

For instance when you get the results of an exam you took and find out that you passed. Do you say ‘ooh that was lucky that I passed’

This is not giving yourself any credit for the studying you undertook, even if you didn’t put as much effort in to your studies as you would have liked, what ended up on the paper was definitely from your ‘mind/memory’ and not from Lady Lucks.

You could say oh maybe the examiner was in a good mood and marked you generously – but this is discrediting the examiners professionalism and taking away from what you have achieved.


Whats LUCK got to do with it?

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